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Vacuum fryer beetroot chips – NORMIT

Our equipment is long term exploiting and let the manufacturer optimize materials and electricity consuming, cut down production lead time.

Beet roots will bring a many nutritional benefits to our body. It is a part of a greatly beloved vegetable in today food market.

This source of nourishment is helping the body to battle bacteria, while improving the immune system. The english “Daily Mail” explains the advantages of consuming beetroot:

This vegetable may decrease or keep steady blood pressure
Reducing the cancer risk while improving blood distribution in the brain
Increasing physical energy or stamina
Abundant in fiber, helping solving digestive issues
Rich in folic acid, iron, zinc, or vitamins B, C.
Beetroot has a unique mineral combination, resisting infection, increasing cellular oxygen level.

An exceptional equipment for beet root chips production is a vacuum fryer, because of its ability to produce excellent healthier food.

For a free consultation about our vacuum fryers, please email us at sales@normit.com

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How to make beet root chips

Beet root crisps, plus another snacks with excellent taste processed under vacuum are earning recognition among consumers, while being good for health, delicious, saturated vitamins and minimum oil, also acceptable as a nutritious additive for sports people and kids.


When using vacuum method, the liquid is eliminated from the raw material extremely shortly. This accelerates the production, while the oil doesnt enter the open pores of the material, so the prepared product has up to 7% of the oil – in comparison with 40% in the classic frying! The snacks are produced using lower pressure in the vacuum fryer enabling processing of the product at lower temperature – 85 to 120 ° C. There are no carcinogenic substances in the oil, it keeps fresh longer while its consumption is lower compared to atmospheric fryers.


With lower temperature processing, the snacks keep their original color, flavor, aroma and nutritional properties. Vacuum frying turns fruit and vegetable into healthier eats that are extremely favored and turn into a quality substitutes to the standard snacks.

This method of frying allows you to manufacture lighter healthier snacks and food with higher worth using less electricity and other sources in comparison with standard frying, which gives the proprietor of the machine a competing advantage.

Why are chips fried in a vacuum fryer better:

Lower oil substance – less than 7%
The tempting color of the material – almost as its original colour, no darkening, without black dots formed on the external part
Oil – no undesirable smell or flavor
It keeps essential features in snacks
Acrylamide-free – its content in the product is 94% lower than in the one prepared in a classic fryer
No carcinogenic substances
We design and manufacture a complete solution for beet root processing from washing, cleaning, slicing, pressing, drying, frying, cooking, blanching… Dont hesitate to ask us for more details.
For more information about our vacuum fryers, please email us at sales@normit.com

Supplier Information

  • Store Name: NORMIT
  • Vendor: NORMIT
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