
AF2000 IMPERIAL Aseptic Filler – JBT FoodTech

Bulk aseptic fillers for a wide variety of products and packages

Designed to fill fluids, concentrates and particulate products, our aseptic fillers provide: “steam only” sterilization of the filler head(s), complete sanitation by an automatic clean-in-place system and without chemicals or sterile gasses used. High production speed achieved by a newly designed head system. The aseptic filling chamber which can be opened without losing asepticity. Versatility and reliability are improved by meeting various packing standards with different products and the use of a fully PLC controlled self-diagnostic operational mode.


  • Four drums on pallet filling mode
  • Processes products with pH <4.5
  • Single head, twin head, and triple head versions available


  • Working speeds: 5-12 bags/hour with single head, and 30-60 bags/hour with triple head
  • Operates with 220 liters (60 gallons) or 1,200 liters (300 gallons) pre-sterilized bags


  • AF200 CLASSIC Aseptic Filler
  • FranRica™ ABF1200 Aseptic Filler

John Bean Technologies Corporation (JBT) is a leading global technology solutions provider to high-value segments of the food processing and air transportation industries.

John Bean Technologies Corporation (JBT) is a leading global technology solutions provider to high-value segments of the food processing and air transportation industries. We design, manufacture, test and service technologically sophisticated systems and products for our customers.

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JBT FoodTech

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Vendor Information

  • Store Name: JBT FoodTech
  • Vendor: JBT FoodTech
  • Address: 70 West Madison Street
    Suite 4400
    Chicago, IL 60602
    United States (US)