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Are you looking for a Rice sheller machine product?

When selecting Rice sheller machine for your company’s needs, there are several important points to consider during the comparison and evaluation process.
1. Capacity
Compare the capacity of different rice sheller machines to ensure they can handle the volume of paddy rice you need to process within a given time frame.
2. Shelling Efficiency
Assess the shelling efficiency of the machines by checking their output in terms of clean, whole rice grains and the percentage of broken grains produced during the shelling process.
3. Speed and Throughput
Consider the speed and throughput of the rice sheller machines to understand how many kilograms or pounds of rice they can process per hour.
4. Power Consumption
Check the power consumption of the machines to ensure they are energy-efficient and won’t significantly increase your operating costs.
5. Material and Durability
Examine the construction materials and build quality of the rice sheller machines to ensure they are robust and durable for long-term use in a demanding manufacturing environment.
6. Cleaning and Maintenance
Evaluate the ease of cleaning and maintenance of the machines to minimize downtime and ensure their proper functioning.
7. Safety Features
Check for safety features such as emergency stop buttons, safety guards, and overload protection to prevent accidents and damage to the machines.
8. Flexibility and Adjustability
Consider if the rice sheller machines offer flexibility in terms of adjusting settings for different types of rice or processing requirements.